Friday, August 7, 2009

Geomatic Field Day

Was having one of the worst day of my life yesterday..

reach Parit Buntar around 5am..

and was already rushing to Geomatic class around 8am..

Project for the day is to do some pegging/stationing whatsoever..

Well since Datuk Ting already blogged about our field day in his blog here...

I'm just gonna post some interesting pictures taken during the field work..

Xue Li - Talk to the hand~
*the first 3 sentences explain my sad expression*

While carrying out our field work..

we also found out interesting things happening around the kelapa sawit area in USM,

previously unknown to the outside world..

Such as..

The orang asli tribe..
*the guy with black shirt n blue jeans is the ketua kampung*

There's even this chicken rice seller there..

Ming De : 来来来~try下明德鸡饭~

What shock us more is that..

Panda DO exist in USM

The above picture is a solid proof for that particular statement =)

p/s : this photo is not edited and it's original

If the existence of Panda is not shocking enough..

See this...


Random - bunch of shoes~ yucks~..


small dispute will always occur during field work..

and normally those fights will be settled by..

STAFF fight =)