Thursday, December 25, 2008

X'mas 08 Gurney Penang

Merry X'mas everyone~! Spending christmas eve in Gurney totally... ROCKS~!! The food is good, the 'scenery' is excellent! ( got tall, short, average, dark, fair, medium, thin, fat, slim, sexy, mature, lala, 'taokai', long hair, short hiar, medium hair, short sleeves, long sleeves, no sleeves, short pants, long pants, very short pants, knee lenght shirt, short shirt, low cut......... and the list goes on and on xD )

When there around 2pm and the 4+1 of us ( that 1 person join the girls group sometimes ) shop till 10pm at night =.= *walao*... Pui Zheng did some shopping spree today while my room mate Ah Boy ( dont call him that he dont like it =.= ) bought a few cloths although he insist on not buying anything...

This is us eating in Kim Gary HK restaurant...

My fish fillet baked rice with cheese....

Fast foward to 10pm..

We went out to that alley at the middle of G hotel and Gurney Plaza walking around trying to find a place to sit but after searching for 10 minutes we gave up and went around admiring the night 'scenery' as well as crazy stuffs Penang people do here..

This is how they celebrate X'mas here, Penang style =)

The crowd.............
Mobs waiting for their 'prey'.. xD
A white 'prey' arriving....
Get painted with cans of duno what is that... + some paint..
A before picture....
Besides bombaring your cars with paints and that snowy like thingy, some people will just go round your car... shaking it side to side for a few sceonds before letting you pass. But luckily those people dont prey on those cars with babies inside.. =.=
A taxi kena mobbed (photo taken from a distance)
A car kena shake from close ranged
Spectators from USM........

A random snow spray

There's one particular incident where the targetted car just step on the pedal after being surrounded by those gila gila de people.. 3 guys standing infront of the car get knocked down but luckily none of them is injured.. =.= So instead of just a few shakes and paints from the crowd.. He got some angry kicks to his car from the angry crowd =.=..

Thats all for now but the experience of Christmas in Gurney is totally AWESOME!!!

*planning to go Queensbay to celebrate new year xD

Ohh ya.. I didnt reply any of you guys d x'mas msgs because my fon now is out of credit *sobss*

Anyway.. Merry Christmas and A happy New Year~! ^^v