Friday, January 9, 2009

I won A Pack of Chipsmore!!!

Went for that 绕口令 competition yesterday as a civil representative *ouchhh*

Everyone was like

"Ehhh!! Gambateh ooo yesterday eat 柑 competition civil win you know?"

"Dont Xiasui-kan Civil school arhh!!"


etc etc...

So I went to Lembaran cafe on time *6.30pm*

But the competition was delayed till 7pm++..

*duhz!!! i wan be 华协主席 next year!!! change this punctuality problem!! Vote for me!! =)*

There were only 5 competitors including me but 10 prizes are available =.=

I was the last and during my turn, that host asked me to recite the longest tongue twister *WTF*

and I only managed to say "九目九,九个人喝醉酒.....blablabla..."

Anyhow the host let me pass after a few unsuccessful attempt *swt*

So on to the next level.. And the question goes like this : 为什么福字要倒转来贴?

One of my team members just told me the reason when I was doing that 小册子 b4 this but I totally forgot edy =.=

And errr after staring at the host for a few minutes, Xiao Min gave the answer and I passed

Final question : 为什么七在八的下面?


So I continued standing there looking at the host and Xiao Min gave me the answer again =.=


So that is how I won a pack of Chipsmore, just standing there “Har-ing.."




  1. Hahahahahaha xD

    but if ask me the 2 questions, i will also do the same as you...


  2. @ yuh fen

    xiasui dao... walaoehh~~

    but at least got chipsmore mar!! xD

    yahor u 食神 forgot cia u eat liao..

    paisehh ahh


    har-ing and har-ing and har-ing..

    the host tell me he not much time wouldnt play me long ny i can lepas fast xD

  3. 是啦...没有请我太不应该了...亏我们还打包给你也..嘻嘻

  4. for your own good..

    help u reduce weight

  5. use chinese blog more then can be hua xie zhu xi liao
